Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Case Study One- Rio Tinto: Redesigning HR Essay
1. Summary Rio Tinto, a worldwide London based mining and mineral organization was seriously affected by the worldwide downturn in 2008. Such an effect constrained phenomenal workforce decreases worldwide and decentralized HR the executives must be acquired under a solitary umbrella to protect a systematic and proficient framework that would bolster the organization’s future profitability. This new proactive way to deal with the board, usage of innovation, and planning of the workers demonstrated to help spare the organization and set up for proceeded with future tasks. 2. Answer the Questions Q1. How did Rio Tinto’s patching up of HR help with limiting the possible issues with the decrease in power? The total of the board to take part in vital human asset arranging is the thing that had been patched up in the Rio Tinto association. Taking part in brought together worldwide arranging, looking after viability, mindfulness in serving the eventual benefits of the whole association, and not completing decentralized single centered HR at all sixty individual business destinations was a positive, yet essential culture move prompting expanded productivity. The expectation to control issues and serve the best organization interests were to look after uprightness, hold down costs (which could have been in lawful battles and time), affectability to those influenced people and specialty units, and build up an information the executives framework that handles universal staffing and progression arranging. What job would a HRIS need to play in dealing with a RIF? The job of Human Resource Information System(s) in any association is to give representative resource perceivability to empower the board choices and arranging simpler. Ideally, all worker records from recruit to choice time would give an increasingly complete picture on all representatives past, present, and future incentive to the association. The extensiveness of a database with all the complexities stacked in to deal with tentative arrangements, local requirements,â training and instruction, basic aptitudes, execution information, and progression arranging permits administrators the capacity to see precisely where to dispense with positions and staff that don't add to hierarchical profitability. Q2. Without a steady way of thinking, strategies, and ways to deal with decrease in power (or some other interruptions later on) what might the presumable responses from workers be? The primary aggregate representative response the executives will see, regardless of whether the whole decrease in power plan is uncovered, would be that of the union(s) being set up to brawl that there will be any workers getting the formal notice. The hands on efficiencies and decrease in productiveness could happen if workers become disappointed and are left pondering on whether they have a vocation tomorrow. Chiefs and representatives who by and large have a minor trust issue regularly will pull back from one another, which will bring about work group broken practices and inventiveness will impasse. Whenever left to its own gadgets, strikes, walkouts, or representative damage could turn into the outrageous aftereffects of ineffectively built way of thinking, strategies, and the executives draws near. 3. Portray a Similar Personal Experience During the mid-to-end of the 1990s, during my vocation in the US Army, we had a decrease in power (RIF) that was led inadequately. The apparent eventual benefits (Washington legislative issues) for the association and brought together choices were actualized without respect for the work units spread over the globe. There was no genuine utilization of a sound judgment way to deal with progression arranging and at last we lost an unsatisfactory measure of mid-level supervisors that caused an information hole that took about ten years to address. At that point, the HRIS was not completely set up with the executives understanding the ability of the apparatuses conceivable in deciding. Changes since that time have improved in instructing the executives to pioneers and sooner rather than later, a RIF is in transit with the drawdown after we get our powers back here from the Middle East. We should watch and assess the recorded exercises of the past.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Life History Essay
The reason for finding some kind of purpose for existing history on an individual is to have the option to â€Å"paint a picture†of what their identity is. The data from the history ought not simply be an irregular assortment of realities. The history ought to be a record of the person’s biography, remembering significant topics for their life that mirror the advancement of their character and their associations with others. Life chronicles assume key jobs in mental treatment and research. While the accompanying rules are fairly run of the mill of the kind of inquiries posed, interviews differ impressive relying upon who’s doing them and why. Your motivation in directing this meeting is instructive. While your goal is gathering a similar data you may in a genuine clinical or research circumstance, remember this is an instructional exercise. Subsequently, be eager to forfeit touchy or upsetting data to ensure the solace and protection of your subject. Make certai n to tell the person in question (s)he doesn't have to discuss anything (s)he doesn’t need to. While doing the meeting, give cautious consideration to how the individual is reacting to your inquiries, and consistently be conscious of his/her protection. In the event that it appears as though the individual is awkward talking about some part of their life, don’t press for an answer. Proceed onward to the following piece of the meeting. Every one of you will meet a colleague. At that point, that schoolmate will talk with you. I anticipate that each meeting should take about 1.5 hours. You should take notes, and on the off chance that you approach a recording device, I would suggest utilizing it as well. Make certain to check your recorder to see that it is working, however, and take notes anywayâ€machines fall flat at the best occasions! Make certain to print a duplicate of these rules and carry them with you. Don’t be reluctant to allude back to them for questions and direction about subjects to introduce. This task is expected on 5/29/00. Starting the Interview It is ideal to start the meeting by giving the individual unfenced to recount to their biography. Where they start their story and how they disclose to it will uncover what quickly strikes them as significant. So start the meeting with the accompanying directions: â€Å"I’d like to get some answers concerning your life history. Would you be able to educate me concerning it? Portray it to me as though you were disclosing to me your life story.†The vast majority will forget about specific subtleties. In the event that the subtleties appear to be significant, utilize open-finished inquiries to test for more data, for example, â€Å"And then what happened?†or â€Å"What did you do after that?†We likewise need to get some answers concerning how individuals considered what befallen them. In the event that they exclude this data, utilize such inquiries as â€Å"How did you feel about that?†or â€Å"What did you consider that at the time?†The Importance of Reflection It is ideal if the meeting doesn’t transform into a â€Å"question and answer†meeting where you pose inquiries and they offer short responses. It’s hard to do, yet attempt to transform the meeting into an easily streaming conversation. Utilize the method known as â€Å"reflection†to urge an individual to speak increasingly about something. Basically reflect back to the individual some significant part of what they have quite recently said. You may essentially rehash the specific words the individual utilized, or you may once in a while include some idea or feeling that you distinguished in what the individual said. Reflections are NOT as an inquiry. On the off chance that you can do this successfully, you won’t need to barrage the individual with the entirety of the inquiries recorded previously. Here are a few models: Individual: â€Å"My father and I used to make a move in the patio. We had a great deal of fun with that.†You: â€Å"You and your dad had a fabulous time times.†Person: â€Å"When he said that to me, it truly irritated me. I couldn’t accept my closest companion would state something like that.†You: â€Å"He could truly get you furious with his remarks.†Different instances of open-finished reflections may be: â€Å"I surmise you truly delighted in that season of your life.†â€Å"It seems like it upset you when he said that.†â€Å"It appears as though that was a significant occasion for you.†At the point when an inquiry seems vital, open-finished inquiries are well on the way to prompt more extravagant reactions (as opposed to â€Å"yes†or â€Å"no†). Open finished inquiries welcome answers that are illustrative and elaborative, instead of monosyllables. â€Å"How do you feel about school†is an open-finished inquiries, since it permits incredible scope in the reaction that may be given. â€Å"Do you like school†would just provoke a couple of word reaction; comparably, a multple-decision design limits reactions. There are circumstances where open-finished inquiries are not ideal (e.g., â€Å"When and where were you born†is fine). Be that as it may, generally, the objective is getting the liable to discuss significant themes, instead of answer many inquiries you think may be applicable. Open-finished inquiries are generally best for starting a streaming discussion. Zones to Explore Individuals will likewise forget about certain point regions that are significant. You should pose inquiries about this zones, yet consistently attempt to do as such in an open-finished way that permits individuals to communicate uninhibitedly, as indicated by what strikes them as significant. You ought to get data pretty much the entirety of the accompanying territories. Start with the primary open-finished inquiry, and work your way down to the accompanying inquiries, if necessary. 1. The historical backdrop of guardians and grandparents: â€Å"Tell me about your parents’ lives.†â€Å"What would you be able to educate me regarding your grandparents’ lives?†(Ask about their lives when marriage, remembering significant occasions for their life, their adolescence, training, occupation, ethnic and strict foundation. On the off chance that they forget about a parent or grandparent, ask about them) 2. Youth (before school): â€Å"What do you think about yourself as a baby.†â€Å"What was your mother’s pregnancy like?†â€Å"Were there any family stories or jokes about what you resembled as a child?†â€Å"What are your soonest adolescence memories?†â€Å"What do you recollect or think about major early occasions throughout your life †like dietary patterns, strolling, talking, and latrine training?†â€Å"Were there any worries in your family at that time?†3. School Years: â€Å"What were your initial a long time in school like?†â€Å"Do you recall the absolute first day of school?†â€Å"How did you accomplish at school work through the years?†â€Å"What were your connections like with your educators and schoolmates?†â€Å"Who were your companions and what sorts of things did you do with them?†4. Puberty: â€Å"What was your puberty like?†â€Å"How was your social and school life at that time?†â€Å"When did you enter adolescence. How did your life change at that point? â€Å"What was your relationship with your companions during your high schooler years?†â€Å"What was your relationship with your family at that time?†â€Å"When did you begin to date, and what were those connections like?†5. Grown-up Life (counting school): â€Å"What has been significant about your grown-up life?†â€Å"What have your grown-up associations with companions and colleagues been like?†â€Å"What has your relationship with your (significant other/spouse, life partner, beau/sweetheart) been similar to? â€Å"What kinds of employments have you worked at, and what's your opinion about those jobs?†â€Å"What was school like for you?†â€Å"What side interests or different interests do you have?†6. Family Information (on the off chance that you didn’t as of now get this data): â€Å"What has your family been similar to over the years.†â€Å"Tell me about your siblings and sisters†(age, instruction, conjugal status, their relationship with the interviewee) â€Å"How would you depict the characters of the individuals in your family?†â€Å"What job did each parent take in raising you?†â€Å"Were there any passionate issues in the family, or clashes between family members?†â€Å"Did your family ever move? What was that like?†â€Å"What is the ethnic foundation of your family?†â€Å"What has been your strict childhood, and your perspectives about religion?†â€Å"Describe your own family.†(relationship with kids, how kids identify with one another and companion, average exercises, and so forth.) Questions and Answers about the Assignment Here are a few inquiries a colleague posed. I felt it may be useful to share them, and my answers, with all of you. I do have a recording device ( I don't know whether I confide in it without a doubt, imagine a scenario in which it doesn’t get the voice or ),. Point the mike at the interviewee, talk a couple of moments, at that point play it back to check whether it’s working. In the event that your accomplice has a tape, use it too as a back-up. I really utilize two here and there in my work. What's more, obviously, take notes on the off chance that the darn thing chooses to bomb when you need it most. yet, what would it be advisable for me to do about notes? (I don’t compose extremely quick by any stretch of the imagination) And by what means can/should a questioner take notes in order to limit its impedance in the meeting? Figuring out how to utilize shorthand is a piece of figuring out how to be a decent inteviewer. Simply compose what you should to recreate the discussion. You can return and fill in the subtleties later. It’s alright to request that the interviewee pause while you compose (â€Å"just a second, please†¦ok, much obliged, go ahead.†). This is less troublesome than you may envision, as long as you don’t do it too habitually. Is it true that we should pose All the inquiries? That is a dumb lead-in on my part, however it appears as though that would take longer than 1.5 hours. I really expect the meetings will run stomach muscle
Friday, August 21, 2020
Literary Essay †Julius Caesar Essay
As people, none of us are completely acceptable or totally detestable. It is the equivalent with the characters in the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. While many are depicted as acceptable or malicious, none truly are. This can be all the more effortlessly clarified through the characters Brutus, Marc Antony and Julius Caesar. From the absolute first notice of Brutus the crowd is informed that he is the most respectable man in Rome. This would convince us to accept that he is a decent character. From the earliest starting point this is valid, yet not very far into the play, after some cajoling by Cassius, Brutus’ progressively abhorrent side is uncovered. He adds to the plot of murdering Caesar and says in Act II scene 1 line 10 â€Å"It must be by his death†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This by itself is absolutely something contrary to what a decent man would do. In any case, he attempts to make up for himself by including Act II scene 1 line 11-12 â€Å"I realize no close to home reason to reject at him, yet for the general.†So we are persuaded that â€Å"sacrificing†Caesar is and good thing being accomplished for the Roman individuals not only an efficient homicide. This is one case of how nobody is completely acceptable. Next is Caesar’s right hand man, Marc Antony. He cherished Caesar without a doubt and was profoundly disheartened when Caesar was killed. After this occasion, he convinces Brutus to let him talk at Caesar’s memorial service as a companion. Act III scene 1 line 227-230 â€Å"And am additionally admirer that I may deliver his body to the commercial center; and in the podium, as turns into a companion, talk in the request for his funeral†The genuine motivation behind why Antony needed to talk at the burial service was to tell the individuals that Brutus killed Caesar without any justifiable cause. He communicates his achievement in Act III scene 2 line 270-271 â€Å"Belike they has some notification of the individuals, how I had moved them.†Marc Antony never pardons Brutus and different plotters for killing Caesar and even does battle with them as a result of it. Antony battling for his friend’s demise shows that he is acceptable. However, he deceive s the others which show’s some awful in him. The last case is somewhat unique in relation to the others. This last model precisely isn’t of complete great or wickedness. It just shows how nobody is great. Caesar was to be the leader of the Roman Empire. Everybody imagined that he was the most ideally equipped individual for the activity. He was thought of as a divine being. Divine beings are perfectâ and Caesar was a long way from it. In Act I scene 2 lines 111 Cassius discloses to Brutus accounts of how feeble Caesar is. â€Å"Caesar cried ‘help me, Cassius, or I sink.'†He proceeds by including lines 127-128 â€Å"Alas it cried, ‘give me some beverage, Titinius,’ as a debilitated girl.†This shows how Caesar dislike any god despite the fact that that is the thing that the individuals accepted. The general purpose of this article was to show how even in plays that it is difficult to have somebody who is totally acceptable or abhorrent. It’s just excessively unreasonable. As people, we as a whole have great and terrible qualities. They may not be adjusted however there isn’t any individual who is absolutely acceptable or malicious.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
How a Research Paper Company Can Help You Improve Your Writing Skills
How a Research Paper Company Can Help You Improve Your Writing SkillsWhile you can make a name for yourself in the world of academia and research, a good research paper company can make a huge difference to your career. For many people starting out in academia or research, being able to work with a company to help you on the research papers you write is essential. If you've been looking for ideas on how to write a research paper, here are some ways you can use a company that offers this service to help you write better research papers.First, the easiest way to approach this problem is to write a couple of short pieces of research paper and give them to a company that offers this service. The company will review both your research and your paper to ensure it meets their criteria for quality research. After you get feedback on your paper, you can then start submitting them to journals and courses.In the long run, you'll benefit from having a copy of the research paper with you at all t imes. Whether you're using it as an example to give a lecture or as your starting point when giving a seminar, having the paper ready will make you more confident about your presentation. As the presenter, you'll be more prepared to deal with questions about your research. While you can always find a paper and proofread it later, having a good research paper written on your computer or paper will allow you to focus more on the facts of your topic rather than trying to come up with interesting soundbites.The most important part of writing a research paper is the introduction. With a background in psychology, you'll find writing an introduction to be particularly tricky. Having a writing service to help you on this task can make it much easier. They'll understand the challenge and outline the steps you need to take to help you have your article ready for submission.In addition to preparing your research paper for submission, they can also help you in terms of proofreading. While it'sn ot their job to test your work, they can guide you through the process and provide a place to let you know if you need more help with certain areas. This can be especially helpful for new writers who may be unsure of the best ways to proofread. They'll even send you an online suggestion for problems to look out for, if you need additional guidance.Finally, hiring a research paper company can help you in the long run, as well. If you do well in a course and want to continue working in this field, having a company review your work will give you confidence to pursue further study. The more experience you gain from your research papers, the more likely you'll be to continue on in academia and to build your research abilities to the next level.If you're interested in writing your own research papers or perhaps looking for a way to get some experience, a research paper company can help you with research and writing. It can also give you invaluable feedback on the qualities of your work, a llowing you to become a more confident writer as you move forward.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Hydrogen Facts - H or Atomic Number 1
Hydrogen is the chemical element with the element symbol H and atomic number 1. Its essential for all life and abundant in the universe, so its one element you should get to know better. Here are basic facts about the first element in the periodic table, hydrogen. Fast Facts: Hydrogen Element Name: HydrogenElement Symbol: HAtomic Number: 1Group: Group 1Classification: NonmetalBlock: s-blockElectron Configuration: 1s1Phase at STP: GasMelting Point: 13.99 K ​(−259.16  °C, ​−434.49  °F)Boiling Point: 20.271 K ​(−252.879  °C, ​−423.182  °F)Density at STP: 0.08988 g/LOxidation States: -1, 1Electronegativity (Pauling Scale): 2.20Crystal Structure: HexagonalMagnetic Ordering: DiamagneticDiscovery: Henry Cavendish (1766)Named By: Antoine Lavoisier (1783) Atomic Number: 1 Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table, meaning it has an atomic number of 1 or 1 proton in each hydrogen atom. The name of the element comes from the Greek words hydro for water and genes for forming, since hydrogen bonds with oxygen to form water (H2O). Robert Boyle produced hydrogen gas in 1671 during an experiment with iron and acid, but hydrogen wasnt recognized as an element until 1766 by Henry Cavendish. Atomic Weight: 1.00794 This makes hydrogen the lightest element. It is so light, the pure element isnt bound by Earths gravity. So, there is very little hydrogen gas left in the atmosphere. Massive planets, such as Jupiter, consist mainly of hydrogen, much like the Sun and stars. Even though hydrogen, as a pure element, bonds to itself to form H2, its still lighter than a single atom of helium because most hydrogen atoms dont have any neutrons. In fact, two hydrogen atoms (1.008 atomic mass units per atom) are less than half the mass of one helium atom (atomic mass 4.003). Hydrogen Facts Hydrogen is the most abundant element. About 90% of the atoms and 75% of the element mass of the universe is hydrogen, usually in the atomic state or as plasma. Although hydrogen is the most abundant element in the human body in terms of numbers of atoms of the element, its only 3rd in abundance by mass, after oxygen and carbon, because hydrogen is so light. Hydrogen exists as a pure element on Earth as a diatomic gas, H2, but its rare in Earths atmosphere because it is light enough to escape gravity and bleed into space. The element remains common at the Earths surface, where it is bound into water and hydrocarbons to be the third most abundant element.There are three natural isotopes of hydrogen: protium, deuterium, and tritium. The most common isotope of hydrogen is protium, which has 1 proton, 0 neutrons, and 1 electron. This makes hydrogen the only element that can have atoms without any neutrons! Deuterium has 1 proton, 1 neutron, and 1 electron. Although this isotope is heavie r than protium, deuterium is not radioactive. However, tritium does emit radiation. Tritium is the isotope with 1 proton, 2 neutrons, and 1 electron.Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable. It is used as a fuel by the space shuttle main engine and was associated with the famous explosion of the Hindenburg airship. While many people consider oxygen to be flammable, it actually doesnt burn. However, its an oxidizer, which is why hydrogen is so explosive in air or with oxygen.Hydrogen compounds commonly are called hydrides.Hydrogen may be produced by reacting metals with acids (e.g., zinc with hydrochloric acid).The physical form of hydrogen at room temperature and pressure is a colorless and odorless gas. The gas and liquid are nonmetals, but when hydrogen is compressed into a solid, the element is an alkali metal. Solid crystalline metallic hydrogen has the lowest density of any crystalline solid.Hydrogen has many uses, though most hydrogen is used for processing fossil fuels and in the production of ammonia. It is gaining importance as an alternate fuel that produces energy by combustion, similar to what happens in fossil fuel engines. Hydrogen is also used in fuel cells that react hydrogen and oxygen to produce water and electricity.In compounds, hydrogen can take a negative charge (H-) or a positive charge (H).Hydrogen is the only atom for which the Schrà ¶dinger equation has an exact solution. Sources Emsley, John (2001). Natures Building Blocks. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 183–191. ISBN 978-0-19-850341-5.Hydrogen. Van Nostrands Encyclopedia of Chemistry. Wylie-Interscience. 2005. pp. 797–799. ISBN 978-0-471-61525-5.Stwertka, Albert (1996). A Guide to the Elements. Oxford University Press. pp. 16–21. ISBN 978-0-19-508083-4.Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8493-0464-4.Wiberg, Egon; Wiberg, Nils; Holleman, Arnold Frederick (2001). Inorganic chemistry. Academic Press. p. 240. ISBN 978-0123526519.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Short Story Let Go Of Me Bitch - 1334 Words
Let go of me bitch. I scratch at his fingers on my upper arm, and he tugs me forward to contain my other arm. Asshole.I spit at him, and I try not to stumble as I realize I m supposed to be walking at the moment but struggle under the weight of my knee. I watch his tall figure as I stumble over my own, distracting myself is the best way to contain my anger right now. His eyes glow with determination, and his mouth pressed into a firm line. His jaw line could cut a bitch, and it flexes as he grinds his teeth. His dark hair flops as we walk. Blake looks down at me, and I try not to recoil. He deserved that! He deserved more than that, he spread a giant rumor that could ruin my life because I screwed up him probably taking advantage of that girl! I yell at Blake as I try to breathe and not cry. I glare at him, and he rolls his eyes. I look forward, and turn my body to the side so I hit the door push with my butt. The door opens, and we go through. Why did you pull me out of the fight you shit bag, he deserved to be yelled at! I try to lock eyes with him, but he won t return my intense stare. That won t stop me from continuing to stare, but it makes it a little more annoying. Blake sighs and looks down, finally locking my gaze as we enter the parking lot. Because it had nothing to do with you Mack. He doesn t stop, but I do. That sentence was like a whistle to start yelling. When I stopped, Blake had to turn to face me, and he looks bored. It has nothingShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Russell Banks Short Story, Sarah Cole: A Type of Love Story1421 Words  | 6 PagesStab in the Heart A stab in the heart by one’s own hopes is truly the cruelest way to leave this world. Sadly, that is exactly what happen to Sarah Cole in Russell Banks’ short story entitled, â€Å"Sarah Cole: A Type of Love Story.†The man who dated Sarah for a short period of time tells the tale. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Gullivers Travels Summary Essay Example For Students
Gullivers Travels: Summary Essay Gullivers Travels: SummaryMany of the critics who have critiqued Jonathan Swifts GulliversTravels have used the word extraneous more then once. Swift was viewed as aninsane person who was a failure in life. But this is far from the truth. Swiftwrote Gullivers Travels, a book that has been assigned to students for years,and it is written from experience. Swifts experience with the Tories and theirconflicts with the Whigs caused him to write books that mock religious beliefs,government, or people with views differing from his own. In one of these books,Gullivers Travels, Swift criticizes the corruption of the English government,society, science, religion, and man in general. In Gullivers first travel, in which he visited Lilliput, Gulliver isfaced with the minute people, called Lilliputians. Now while this is thepremise for a fantasy story, Swift uses the events within to make severecriticisms of England between reigns of Queen Anne and George the first. Thepeople of Lilliput are about six inches tall, and there size signifies thattheir motives, acts, and humanity are in the same, dwarfish (Long 276). In thissection, the royal palace is accidentally set on fire, containing the empressinside. Instead of making his way across town, to the ocean, squashing thepeople of Lilliput as he goes, Gulliver makes use of his urine to save thepalace. While this vulgar episode was a display of bravery, it infuriated theemperor, causing revenge to be vowed on Gulliver. Rather then be happy thatboth the emperor and the palace are not in ruin, the littleness of thegovernment and the people in general is displayed in this act. Another displayof this is the fact that Gulliv er is used as the Emperors absolute weapon, butthe emperor only uses him to conquer his world of two islands. This makes theemperors ambition seem extremely low (Bloom, Interpretations 84-5). Swift also criticizes the religious beliefs of the Lilliputians andEngland in the first story. In Lilliput, Ministers were chosen strictly onagility, or their ability to walk a tightrope or stick jumping. They were ableto maintain their rank of minister as long as they could keep these defeatingthese tasks (Swift, Writings 89). The political parties of the English government are represented by theconservative High Heels who depict the Tories, and the progressive Low Heels, orWhigs. As per their names, the distinguishing mark of the parties is the heightof their heels. Within these two parties, Swift criticizes the Englishpolitical parties, and the Prince of Wales (Brady 21). Swift also mocks thereligion war that was going on in England, through the use of the war betweenLilliput, and its nearest neighbor, Blefuscu. Swifts use of the terms HighHeels and Low Heels to compare the meaningless battles of the Whigs and Tories,such as the height of heels (Swift, Writings 81). With Gullivers next travel, we find him in Brobdingnag. His voyageshows us the filthy mental and physical characteristics of man. Here, Gulliveris confronted with an adult nurse. The nurses repulsive action of revealingher breasts to Gulliver. This reminds him of how the Lilliputians found hisskin full of crater like pores, and stumps of hair growing from them. The odorof the immense creatures is offending, and it caused Gulliver to recall the factthat the Lilliputians were also offended of his body odor (Bloom,Interpretations 27-8). In Laputa, Gulliver is confronted with the old age Struldbuggs, whichlook utterly hideous resulting from old age, and the deterioration of theirbodies. The Yahoos from the land of Houyhnhnms are filthy, uncivilizedcreatures, who use their own dung as a weapon. In these descriptions, Swiftcriticizes both the moral and physical corruption of man (Bloom, Critical Views87). .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d , .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d .postImageUrl , .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d , .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d:hover , .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d:visited , .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d:active { border:0!important; } .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d:active , .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc84e0e54e9dfee281e21d2806b33724d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Baroque Era Essay PaperGullivers first owner in Brobdingnag represents the selfishness of man. Gulliver is constantly displayed in public, abused for the profit of the owner. When his owner finds out that Gulliver is weakening, he sells him immediately,at a high price in order to milk every last penny out of Gulliver. Gullivers third voyage, to the floating island of Laputa is one of themost satirical of the whole book. In this voyage Swift criticizes the RoyalSociety of England, in which he says is composed of useless philosophers,inventors, and scientists. The floating island signifies that the inhabitantsare composed of the same airy constitution as the environment (Long 276). Projects done by such people are summed up by the Universal Artist, whodirects his followers to turn useful things into the exact opposite, whichresults in useless achievements. Some of the experiments held were to createtangible air, wool-less sheep, and horses with stone hooves. The flying islanditself expresses not only the desertion on the common earth of reality but theirconversion of the universe to a mechanism and of living to a mechanical process(Bloom, Interpretations 53). Finally, Gulliver travels to the land of the Houyhnhnms. After hereaches land, Gulliver comes across a pack of Yahoos and is instantly appalledby them. There he quotes, Upon the whole, I never beheld in all my travels sodisagreeable and animal, or one against which I naturally conceived so strong anantipathy (Swift, Text 215). This statement is at best ironic, becauseGulliver never saw the resemblances between the Yahoos, and himself. Afterwards,he encounters the rational Houyhnhnms and he immediately realizes the commoncharacteristics he has in common with the Yahoos. He states, my horror andastonishment are not to be described, when I observed, in this abdominal animal,a perfect human figure (Swift, Text 220). Gulliver is amazed to see rational figures acting in such brutal figures,but he later realizes that they regarded him as the brutal beast. TheHouyhnhnms compare Gulliver and the Yahoos and find many similarities betweenthe two. The only difference was that Gulliver, and mankind, had learned thebenefits of clothing, and he, at times could be a rational creature. Swift portrays the Yahoos as savage animals with human characteristics,which is the biggest mockery of mankind in the whole book. The Yahoos were sogreedy, that they would fight over enough food to feed an entire army of fiftysoldiers, just to keep it to themselves. They would poison their own bodies, bysucking a root, similar to alcohol, to reach a high. The female population ofthe Yahoos are also given characteristics of the ladies of the royal stature. Their gestures of hiding behind bushes and trees, looking at the passing bymales, gives the impression of a woman hiding her face behind a fan, whilelooking flirtatiously over her shoulder. The smell associated with the femaleYahoos, is similar to the perfume ladies wear to attract men (Brady 108). Bythe time Gulliver is returned to England, he becomes a complete antisocial, whois disgusted by the sight of his own wife and children. Gullivers desire tobecome a Houyhnhnm gives the reader the impression that he is a pathetic man,who strives to become someone he can never be. Through Gulliver, Jonathan Swift travels to four different foreigncountries, each representing a corrupt part of England. Swift criticizes thecorruption of these parts, and focuses on the government, society, science,religion, and man. Not only does swift criticize the customs of each country, hemocks the naive man who has the inability to figure out the double meaning ofthings. Gulliver, being gullible himself, believes everything he is told, whichsymbolizes the irony of the English system. .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae , .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae .postImageUrl , .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae , .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae:hover , .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae:visited , .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae:active { border:0!important; } .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae:active , .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u39fa159452303ba44a43fd55c28ee2ae:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The grasp drugs have on colomb EssayWorks CitedHarold, Bloom, ed. Modern Critical Views, Jonathan Swift. New York: ChelseaHouse Publishers, 1986. Brady, Frank, ed. Twentieth Century Interpretation of Gullivers Travels. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1968. Swift, Jonathan. Gullivers Travels, and other Writings. New York: BantamBooks, Inc., 1962. Harold, Bloom, ed. Modern Critical Interpretations of Gullivers Travels. NewYork: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Long, William J. Jonathan Swift, English Literature. Boston, Mass.: Ginn andCompany, 1964. Swift, Jonathan. Gullivers Travels, An Annotated Text with Critical Essays. United States: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1961. English
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Corruption A Development Problem of Bangladesh
The Problem: Corruption Being one of the poorest countries in the world, Bangladesh faces a number of development challenges, which range from economic to social and political. The main development problem that the country faces at the moment is economic.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Corruption: A Development Problem of Bangladesh specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The economic development problem is caused by many factors, but it is mostly precipitated by corruption. In Bangladesh, corruption is considered an endemic problem, which is encouraged by the weak system of government and the inadequate bureaucratic transparency in the country (Knox, 2009). There are statistics that show the extent of corruption in Bangladesh and the effects of the problem in the country’s economic development. A study conducted by Transparency International (TI) in 2010 revealed that about 85% of the families in the country ha d been victims of corruption in that year of the survey. Another study conducted by the same body in 2011 showed that between April 2011 and April 2012, close to $2.7 billion was used by different business people and other individuals to bribe their ways. This amount, according to the TI, is about 14% of the total national budget of Bangladesh (Dreher, Kotsogiannis, McCorriston, 2007). There are factors that are known to cause the spread of corruption in Bangladesh. The first one, lack of accountability, makes it easy for the high-ranking personnel to practice corruption. Nepotism is the second factor that encourages corruption among other unlawful practices. Nepotism results in the appointment of individuals with low level of competency into high and critical positions in the government, which negatively impacts the country’s economy. Another cause of corruption in the country is the weak government system, which cannot set stringent measures for investing, arresting, and p rosecuting the individuals who get involved in the corrupt deals (Knox, 2009). The problem of corruption has a direct relationship with Bangladesh’s economic development. The problem negatively impacts the economic development of the country. Corruption, in particular, affects how Bangladesh relates with other countries and international organizations, especially the financial ones.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Bangladesh, as a result of its high corruption index, rarely receives financial aid from financial international organizations such as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the Islamic Development Bank (Knox, 2009). Theoretically, corruption in Bangladesh can be explained as a hindrance to economic development in the country, which emanates from the weak management of the state. The vice spreads in the country as a result of the existence of individual comp anies that exercise monopoly power over the limited resources in the country. The monopolistic organizations influence most of the important decisions that regard the allocation and the use the resources in the country. The organizations, through their influence in the public and private sectors, interfere with the integrity of those responsible for the discharge of public wealth and utilities (Dreher, Kotsogiannis, McCorriston, 2007). Background of Bangladesh Bangladesh is situated in southern Asia between India and Burma and it borders the Bay of Bengal; it was founded in 1971 as a result of separation of Bengali East from the union it had with West Pakistan. Initially, Bangladesh was referred to as East Bengal. The union the country forms with West Bengal is called Bangal. The union is less powerful and is not well known outside Asia. Bangladesh has more than 145 million people, a population that cannot adequately be supported by the meager resources of the country (CIA World Fa ctbook, 1998). The country does not have adequate resources to support its population. The main economic activities in the country are agriculture, animal keeping and fish rearing. The agricultural sector employs more than 50% of the country’s population, which leads to excessive exertion of pressure on natural resources such as land. The natural renewable resources in the country include water, energy, forests, and domestic animals such as fish. The non-renewable resources include coal, gas, rock, oil and sand. The country enjoys plenty of ground and surface water, which it uses in agriculture, fishing and generation of electricity. It also occupies a large area with mineral resources that it exports to other countries for economic gain (CIA World Factbook, 1998).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Corruption: A Development Problem of Bangladesh specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bangladesh is one of the Asia n countries with a unique type of government. The form of government in Bangladesh is described as a unitary secular parliamentary, which is elected by the citizens. The type of the elected government is referred to as the Jatiyo Sangshad. It is this unique type of government and the high population densities in Bangladesh that make the country one of the most popular states in the globe. Although the Bengali people make up the highest percentage of the country’s population, there are other indigenous groups in the country especially in southeastern and northern districts (CIA World Factbook, 1998). The problem of corruption has negative impact on the natural resources and the citizens of Bangladesh. The problems influences the way these resources are allocated to the citizens. In most cases, corruption results in an unfair distribution of the resources in various regions in the country. Companies, politicians and business people use their power and wealth to acquire these re sources unfairly. These groups, after obtaining large portions of the resources, use them to control how the country is managed. The unitary secular parliamentary type of government that exists in the country is a weak regime, which cannot deal with the issue of corruption. This form of government has been blamed for the spread of corruption in Bangladesh (CIA World Factbook, 1998). Discussion History of Corruption in Bangladesh Corruption is not a new phenomenon in Bangladesh. The problem has existed in the country for so many years despite the strategies that the government has put in place in to reduce it. The problem began immediately after Bangladesh disintegrated from its union with West Pakistan. The disintegration resulted in a number of conflicts, which made a number of citizens of Bangladesh seek refuge in the neighboring countries. All this mayhem caused a state of uncertainty and unrealistic expectations, which made people in the country, begin scrambling for power and w ealth. The rich people use their wealth to gain power and have influence over most parts of the country. The end result of these uncertainties has been the problem of corruption (Ades Tella, 2009). The problem of corruption continues to exist in the country despite the pressure mounted on the government by the international community. It is evident that the problem cannot reduce at the moment because of lack of proper mechanisms to deal with it.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The problem is even worse in the main arms of the government that are supposed to address it. The two arms of government, the police and judiciary, which should be fighting corruption in the country, are heavily involved in it (Ades Tella, 2009). Strategies to Deal with Corruption There are several strategies that the government of Bangladesh has put in place to assist in the fight against corruption in the country. The main project that the government has initiated in this fight is the establishment of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). ACC was created in 2004 to act as an independent institution that formulates and enact policies that fight corruption in both public and private sectors (Aidt, 2009). However, the studies conducted by the International Crisis Group on the work of ACC revealed that it is incapable of reducing the incidents of corruption in the country. The efficiency of ACC in dealing with corruption is affected by the government’s influence on the operati ons of the commission. The commission has to get permission from the government before it launches an investigation on public high-ranking personnel, public corporations and the government itself. The commission is never as independent as it was intended to be (Knox, 2009). The last strategy enacted by the government involved declaring the judiciary as an independent body that should operate on its own. This scheme was to allow the criminal justice system to prosecute and imprison individuals found guilty of corruption. The courts were to impose heavy fines and punishment on individuals proved to have a hand in corrupt deals. This system also has never been effective since the government controls most of the cases and operations of the criminal justice system. In addition, most of the court officials are corrupt and they accept bribes to change the course of justice (Knox, 2009). Apart from the government, the international communities have also made a number of initiatives in the f ight against corruption in Bangladesh. The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and other international financial bodies have, on several occasions, placed sanctions on Bangladesh in an attempt to reduce cases of corruption in the country (Aidt, 2009). For example, in 2012, the World Bank withdrew its assistance from multi-billion Padma Bridge Project. The mechanisms of the international communities have never been successful as they make the common citizens of Bangladesh suffer instead of the government officials, for whom they are intended. In most cases, the communities withdraw such bans before their effects are felt for fear of hurting the poor citizens of the country (Blackburn, Bose, Hague, 2006). Causes of Corruption in the Country There are several factors that contribute to the high index of corruption in Bangladesh. The first one results from lack of proper laws to guide accountability of the public servants. Bangladesh is one of the countries that still lack str ingent measures to deal with cases of corruption. The public officials take advantage of this to practice corrupt deals. Most of the public servants make away with the gains they accrue from corrupt deals since there are no strict laws to prosecute them (Blackburn, Bose, Hague, 2006). Another contributing factor is the existence of dishonest politicians; they use their power and wealth to reverse the course of justice in their favor. Despite the staggering economic status of Bangladesh, the members of the parliament and other senior government officials are awarded so many luxurious facilities that are purchased by the country’s resources. For instance, the officials are allocated large pieces of land, tax-free costly cars, and houses among other things. With all these amenities, the officials seem to have been put above the law (Ades Tella, 2009). Lastly, the incidents of corruption continue to spread in Bangladesh because of weak religious and family values that do not co ndemn acts of corruption. Most of the households in the country seem to have lost the battle against corruption and are slowly joining the shoddy deals. They believe that they too can prosper through corruption and some give out bribes to enable their children to secure good jobs and places in learning institutions. Although the Islamic religion practiced in the country condemns corruption, it cannot succeed on its own without the assistance of the relevant bodies (Blackburn, Bose, Hague, 2006). Theoretical and Practical Solutions to the Problem Corruption is a common phenomenon in many parts of the globe; it can never be eradicated completely, but it can be reduced significantly if the right measures are put in place. There are a number of strategies that can be used to reduce corruption in Bangladesh. Firstly, the problem can be reduced by educating the common citizens on their rights and the relevance of the laws that govern their lives. The people of Bangladesh can only fight c orruption effectively if they understand their rights and know how the law operates. It is has been discovered that there are low percentages of corruption in the regions where many people are educated (Knox, 2009). Secondly, the occurrence of corruption can be thwarted by creating an independent anti-corruption commission and a strong criminal justice system. The commission created should be given all the power it needs and be allowed to operate as a full independent branch of the government. The commission should ensure that it works together with the criminal justice system, which should also be independent and powerful. The commission and the criminal justice system should set very heavy punishments for individuals found guilty of corruption (Aidt, 2009). Lastly, the government should reform the Electoral Commission to ensure that it only allows individuals of high integrity to vie for various positions in the government. The commission should develop ways of grilling aspirants to determine their level of integrity before they are cleared to vie for any position. This implies that only those individuals who have never been implicated in corruption scandals can hold electoral positions (Ades Tella, 2009). Conclusion and Recommendations Although corruption is a common economic problem in the world, it seems more prevalent in developing countries. Bangladesh is one the developing countries in the world that experience the most number of corruption cases. The high percentage of corruption in Bangladesh is mostly caused by lack of proper laws to deal with the problem. The incidents of corruption in the country are expected to continue for a long time unless an independent criminal justice system and a self-governing anti-corruption commission are formed. This paper recommends the following strategies to be implemented by the government of Bangladesh to assist the country in the fight against corruption: The government should create a judiciary that is powerfu l and fully independent. The government should establish a powerful and independent anti-corruption commission in the country to assist in investigating cases of corruption. The parliament should pass strict laws that carry heavy punishments for corrupt individuals. The government should ensure that there is equal distribution of the country’s wealth to all regions of the country. The government should not interfere with investigations that involve cases of corruption. References Ades, A., Tella, R. D. (2009). The causes and consequences of corruption: A review of recent empirical contributions. IDS Bulletin, 27(2), 6-11. Aidt, T. S. (2009). Corruption, institutions, and economic development. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25(2), 271-291. Blackburn, K., Bose, N., Hague, M. E. (2006). The incident and persistence of corruption in economic development. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 30(12), 2447-2467. CIA World Factbook. (1998). Bangladesh. Retrieved from http: // Dreher, A., Kotsogiannis, C., McCorriston, S. (2007). Corruption around the world; Evidence from a structural model. Journal of Comparative Economics, 35(3), 443-446. Knox, C. (2009). Dealing with sectoral corruption in Bangladesh: Developing citizen involvement. Public Administration and Development, 29(2), 117-132. This essay on Corruption: A Development Problem of Bangladesh was written and submitted by user Lance Morales to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Fed And Monetary Policy Essays - Economy, Money, Macroeconomics
Fed And Monetary Policy Essays - Economy, Money, Macroeconomics Fed And Monetary Policy Justin McVay Period 4 Macroeconomics Term Paper FEDERAL RESERVE AND MONETARY POLICY Monetary policy affects the economic and financial decisions of virtually all of us from workers to borrowers to investors (Rukeyser 105). Louis Rukeyser wrote, If we want monetary policy to play its proper role in a true national economic reconstruction, the authentic task is to get the Fed to stop bouncing like a Chinese Ping-Pong ball, switching every few months between the inflationary effect of pumping far too much money into the economy and cramping, recessionary effect of supplying far to little (Rukeyser 104). And, because the US is the largest economy in the world, its monetary policy also has significant economic and financial effects on other countries. The object of monetary policy is to influence the performance of the economy, as reflected in such factors as inflation, economic output, and employment. It does so by affecting demand. Most people are familiar with the fiscal policy tools that affect demand, such as taxes and government spending. Less familiar is monetary policy; it is conducted by the Federal Reserve System, the nations central bank, and it influences demand mainly by raising and lowering short-term interest rates. The Federal Reserve System (the Fed) is the nations central bank. It was established by an Act of Congress in 1913 and consists of the seven members of the Board of Governors in Washington, DC and twelve Federal Reserve District Banks. Congress structured the Fed to be independent within the government. What that means is although the Fed I accountable to Congress, it is insulated from day-to-day political pressures. This reflects the conviction held both the US and in many other countries that the people who control the countrys money supply should be independent of the people who frame the governments spending decisions. Most studies of central bank independence rank the Fed among the most independent in the world (World 68). Each reserve bank President is appointed to a five-year term by that banks Board of Directors, subject to final approval by the Board of Governors. This procedure adds to independence, because the directors of each reserve bank, who are not political appointees, provide a regional cross-section of interests, including depository institutions, nonfinancial businesses, labor, and the public. The Fed is structured to be self-sufficient in the sense that it meets its operation expenses primarily from the interest earnings on its portfolio of securities. Therefore, it is independent of Congressional decisions about funding. Even though the Fed is independent of Congressional funding and administrative control, it is ultimately accountable to Congress and comes under government audit and review. The Chairman, other governors, and Reserve Bank Presidents report regularly to the Congress on monetary policy, and a variety of other issues, and meet with senior Administration officials to discuss the Federal Reserves and the federal governments economic programs (World 67). Within the Fed, the Federal Open Market Committee, or FOMC, has the primary responsibility for conducting monetary policy. The FOMC meets in Washington eight times a year and has twelve members: the seven members of the Board of Governors, the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and four of the other Reserve Bank Presidents, who serve in rotation. The remaining Reserve Bank Presidents contribute to the committees discussions and deliberations. In addition, the directors of each Reserve Bank contribute to monetary policy by making recommendations about the appropriate discount rate, which are subject to final approval by the Governors. The goals of US Monetary Policy according to the Federal Reserve Act states that they are to promote maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates. The goals of monetary policy are inconsistent. The belief that a 4% unemployment rate and stable prices are inconsistent is shaped by the widely accepted natural rate hypothesis. It argues that monetary policy has no effect on the economys long-run equilibrium unemployment rate, which is often called the natural rate of unemployment. The reason is that, in the long run, unemployment depends on so-called real factors such as technology and peoples preferences for saving, risk, and work effort; these factors are beyond the reach of monetary policy. Most current estimates place the natural rate of unemployment in the range 5.75%
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Discuss one barrier that you choose in depth and discuss what schools, Essay
Discuss one barrier that you choose in depth and discuss what schools, teachers and other professionals can change in order to make the schools more inclusive in respect of this barrier - Essay Example Bullying can no longer be ignored and more particularly with regard to its role in impeding attainment of inclusive education. Today, bullying is more pervasive and lethal than it has ever been. It is sad to see students losing their lives in the hands of fellow students who are supposed to be their friends and brothers. Even more saddening as McAdams, Charles & Christopher (2012) reports, parents have had to withdraw their children from some schools, thanks to the actions of bullies. In essence, it is no myth that bullying exerts a terrible toll on overall school community, be it the targets, perpetrators, and bystanders. It robs students off opportunity to learn, in addition to inflicting emotional scars which affect their overall stand within an educational institution. â€Å"Safety of kids at school really has a strong effect on how well they will learn. When kids feel safe at school, they have a positive learning environment that allows them to focus wholly on their academics, in turn, producing better grades. When kids are bullying or being bullied in school, their attention slips away from their studies and their academic achievement is directly affected (McAdams, Charles & Christopher, 2012, 112).†Bullying as a barrier to inclusive education is however hugely misunderstood. Many think of bullying in schools in terms of a generic picture where a big, scary boy approaches a younger, punier child and makes demands such as, â€Å"Give me your lunch!†, proceeds to turn the victim upside down, empties his pockets and back-pack for lunch money and any stacks. This is however just a rudimentary image of bullying; in essence, bullying is not always as simple as it looks, and it does not necessarily have to involve physical violence to be considered bullying. There are multiple forms of bullying which ultimately bar achievement of inclusive education. According to Milsom & Gallo (2006), bullying can be physical, verbal or
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Marketing Opportunity of Kralogie Germany Essay
Marketing Opportunity of Kralogie Germany - Essay Example Aside from expanding its coiffeur's network, the company should consider entering into a contract with its tie-up coiffeurs not to sell other hair care products like Wella and Sebastian. Â It is also possible for the company to keep its distance closer to the consumers by allowing the product to be sold in hair salons, hyper- and supermarkets, health and beauty outlets, and throughout the different malls in Germany. Â Also, the price of the product is considered to be very expensive on the part of the consumers. Considering that Wella and Sebastian are very active in selling hair care products, KÃ ¨rastase should make the price of its products competitive. Â KÃ ¨ralogie’s product advantage over the other hair care brands is the fact that KÃ ¨ralogie products are known for its ability to tackle hair related problems such as dandruff. This gives the product a medicinal image. Â Since the majority of its existing customers are females between the age brackets of 35 to 65 and are earning their own personal income, the company should start using fresh and famous personalities in advertising KÃ ¨ralogie products. Based on several reports, using famous personalities in advertising hair care and other related products could effectively increase the company’s annual sales. Since the quality of KÃ ¨ralogie products has been proven effective in treating hair related problems, the company could use sophisticated and good looking individuals with long hair to advertise the medicinal effects of KÃ ¨ralogie. Â Q3 The recommended selling price for KÃ ¨ralogie products is basically the purchase price for the product plus a 100% markup. Considering the current competition in the hair care market, do you think it is still possible to apply the same pricing method today? Explain the reasons for your answer. Â
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Organizational Impact Essay Example for Free
Organizational Impact Essay Innovation, design, and creativity are important parts of any organization that strives to be a market leader within a given industry. Organizations typically belong to one sector of industry, either service or manufacturer. A company from each sector, Nissan Motors for manufacturing and Verizon Wireless for service are the organizations chosen for evaluation. Nissan Nissan Motors has proven to be a leader in the automobile industry in innovation. When the price of gas increased significantly in 2006, Nissan changed their strategy to include the electric car. With the Toyota Prius already available, Nissan wanted to be the first with a 100% electric car. Recognizing a new market never comes easy for any organization and the impact to the organization can be significant, Nissan took a big risk. Although Nissan began developing an electric car in 1997, the uses for this type of car were not for the public. Initially government agencies and businesses used these cars as fleet cars. With need for alternative fuel sources and public interest, Nissan refocused energy back into the electric car it had originally developed, the Nissan Versa in 2009, renaming the car Nissan Leaf in 2010 (Nissan Motor Company,†n. d. ). Nissan showed its innovation and creativity with the introduction of the first environmentally friendly car that requires no gasoline. The designers for Nissan gave the vehicle a look that is attractive to the buyer and will set the stage for how electric cars will look in coming years as these types of vehicles continue to be the new trend (Nissan Motor Company,†n. d. ). For the first two years after launching the first affordable, mass market electric car, the Nissan Leaf struggled in sales. Nissan began an aggressive marketing strategy and creating strategic partnerships the Nissan Leaf finally reached growth stage. With the organization’s aggressive marketing push, advertisements gave consumers clear messages on how environmentally friendly this new type of vehicle is, how it saves money on the purchase of gas, and that the price tag makes it affordable to most car buyers. In the end, the impact on the strategy of Nissan was minimal other than overcoming the American car buyers’ love for the gas powered engine. Nissan believes in turning what ifs into what is, and with the Nissan Leaf they have brought the innovation of the electric car to reality. Verizon Wireless Verizon wireless formed in 2000 with the merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE (Verizon Corporate History,†2013). Once complete, the merger created the nation’s largest wireless cell phone service company. In 1992 there was the introduction of the first smart phone. This phone called Simon was capable of much more than making phone calls but there was no network available that was capable of handling the data it could send. This innovation laid the ground work for Verizon’s 4G LTE network. Over the next two decades, mobile network technology grew and in 2010 Verizon Wireless revolutionized lives throughout the United States with LTE technology. Today, Verizon is the largest, most reliable 4G LTE network (Verizon Corporate History,†2013). The organization delivers the most advanced wireless technology available. Through innovation, Verizon Wireless 4G LTE can provide services in the fields of transportation, health care, small businesses, and education. With the advanced technology Verizon Wireless provides its customers, street vendors can make payment transactions and EMS personnel can improve on response times and patient care. Verizon Wireless is no longer just a cell phone provider. However, the innovation of this technology over the years has forced Verizon to change its strategy several times to remain the best in the industry. The impact on Verizon’s strategy was a $66 billion dollar investment in their technology and infrastructure (Verizon Corporate History,†2013). Although the policies of Verizon did not change, the marketing of what services they could provide had to. Conclusion Innovation, design, and creativity impact organizations in different ways. For the Nissan Company the impact was minimal because the organization already had a design, prototype, and the infrastructure to make the product. This product affected the marketing strategy the most because the vehicle needed aggressive measures to get the car selling. As technology continues to evolve rapidly there will still be some changes made to the electric car in the years to come. The impact on Verizon was more significant because the organization’s technology needed further development to accommodate manufacturers of cell phones such as the Apple I-phone and the Android. Verizon needed innovation, design, and creativity to develop not only the technology but also the service plans as well. In today’s business environment, organizations, whether they are manufacturers or service-based must be ready to change strategies and evaluate the impact on the organization’s business constantly.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Steinbecks Experience and Its Reflection in His Work Essay -- Literar
A plethora of emotions triggers a person's motivation to write. Whether it is disappointment, fear, bliss, or pure excitement, feelings produce an overwhelming sensation. The response to these feelings can rise from a person's environment, relationships, interests or current struggles. However, emotional madness can be simmered down through a practice of writing (Science 20). Clinical trials indicate that writing about deep or traumatic experiences can clear the mind of all the â€Å"confining†stresses and emotional suffocation (Bolarius 2). In detail, a new brain imaging study, conducted by UCLA psychologists, reveals how â€Å"verbalizing†feelings can cause a sense of peace and prove to be a â€Å"cathartic†exercise (Science 20). In fact, writing down emotions born from experiences provides an opportunity in the documentation for posterity. In the same way, John Steinbeck, the author of Nobel Prize winning literary work, has marked milestones in the h istory of literature, leaving insightful and evocative images in the hearts of millions and for future generations. Steinbeck's work has drawn influence from several events in his life. David Bender, author of the Literary Companion, writes that any â€Å"serious†work from Steinbeck â€Å"must begin in his western home of the Salinas Valley†(Bender 13). Steinbeck's strong relationships and time growing up in the West were tremendous influences in his novels The Grapes of Wrath and The Pearl, as well as his short story â€Å"The Chrysanthemums.†Most writers of the first half of the century focused on the characterizations of men and their motivations (Hughes 154). However, Steinbeck differed in this approach; he continuously wrote works that shined a heroic light on women. The relationships he ... ...ichigan Department of Education, 2002. Hughes, R.S. John Steinbeck. Study Of Fiction. San Diego: Twayne Publishers BOSTON, 1989. 218. Guthrie, John. "Cedar Street Times." Cedar Street Times, n.d. Web. 3 May 2012. Millichap, Joseph R. "Biography Of John Steinbeck." Critical Insights: The Grapes of Wrath. 14- 19. Salem Press, 2010. Literary Reference Center. Web. 3 May 2012 Plimpton, George. "Journal of a Novel." Viking Press. N.p., 1969. Web. 3 May 2012. john-steinbeck>. Timmerman, John H. "The Wine Of God's Wrath: The Grapes Of Wrath." Critical Insights: The Grapes of Wrath. 235-266. Salem Press, 2010. Literary Reference Center.. 7 May 2012.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Queen Elizabeth Ra Speech
Queen Elizabeth Rhetorical Analysis Essay Queen Elizabeth’s purpose with her speech is to help boost morale and show her support for the troops. She achieves this by speaking with such tenacity and by appealing to her soldier’s sense of nationalism. Elizabeth says she’s willing to lay down her life for the country she loves, as the men in front of her are about to do. Through this statement she is able to establish a connection with the troops, an example of Pathos, as she appeals to their love for England.The reason for this is to show the troops that she respects each one of them for the price they may have to pay for such a noble sacrifice. At the end of the speech she calls her enemies the enemies of God, England, and her people, and uses the word my in front of all three examples. The use of â€Å"my†shows that she takes ownership of these things and, as all good owners should do, shows that she plans to protect these things. Another way Elizabeth co nnects to her troops is by offering them monetary rewards for their actions.She also says that they are guaranteed by the word of prince, because in this time period, men were superior to women. Although she is Queen and it matters little that she’s a woman, the use of â€Å"prince†is highly significant because she basically refers to herself as equal to a man. This makes her men see her equal and respect her even more. Queen Elizabeth uses these ways to connect to her troops in order for them to be able to fight well in the upcoming battle.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
What Is Vishing Is Another Technique For Phishing
3. Vishing Vishing is another technique for phishing. It is not always over the internet; in fact, most vishing incidents takes place-using voice technology. Vishing typically accompanied by voice over IP, landline phone, voice email, or cellular phones. Victim receive a message stating their bank account, or credit card, or there email account has compromised or a suspicious activity took place. User needs to call a specific phone number to ensure the fraud did not take place and verify their identity. The attacker can spoof the source to a bank or a trustworthy company that will make victim believe the call is legitimate. Vishing is typically a challenging information security threat specially if occur using voice over IP. Similar to†¦show more content†¦2. Memos: helps attacker get the information about the activities. 3. Policy manuals: it is very important for attacker. It provides information regarding information security defense and that helps attacker decide which attacks to avoid. 4. Calendars of events: help attacker determine the best time to break in. 5. System manuals packing crates: This reveals information about the new systems and helps attacker decide which system to attack. 6. Print outs: source codes, emails with account names, and password lists normally found in wastebaskets. 7. Disks, tapes, compact disks, DVDs: This is another security concern because many employees do not shred these types of media. The attacker can extract all the information from these disks. 8. Old hard drives: if the hard drives are not shredded properly, then there is a high possibility that the information can be recovered from that hard drive. 9. Access cards: Access cards may be used to gain access in restricted areas. E. Impersonation Impersonation is another method of stealing information and gaining access by pretending to be somebody else. Impersonation can take place in person, over the phone, or via email. During the impersonation, the attacker can pretend to be a fellow employee, Partner Company, an auditor, new employee, another employee from satellite office, CEO, senior manager, system manufacturer, or desktop supportShow MoreRelatedComputer Security And Social Engineering3915 Words  | 16 Pagesâ€Å"Social engineering has been an effective method of committing fraud for centuries. Recently, however, it has been used more and more to assist criminals in perpetrating crimes that can net large sums of money. Without one social engineering method or another, most current attacks would not be successful [11]†. Employees are an organization’s weakest link and social engineering attacks are only limited by the creativity of the perpetrator, which relies on the gullibility of people. In this paper we discussRead MoreA Brief Note On Privacy And Security Threats3726 Words  | 15 Pagesaddition to that we have also summarized the strength and weakness of each approach as per our understanding and the results of this survey. In this survey, we have included anonymization techniques, k-degree anonymous methods, social engineering, link/attribute/identity disclosure, graph perturbation/ randomization techniques, Patronus model, Social clique detecting algorithm, PROTOSS model etc. Keywords Social Engineering, Differential Privacy, K-Degree Anonymity, Random Perturbation, Neighborhood RandomizationRead MoreAccounting Information System Chapter 1137115 Words  | 549 Pagescharacteristics of useful information listed in Table 1-1 be met simultaneously? Or does achieving one mean sacrificing another? Several of the criteria in Table 1.1 can be met simultaneously. For example, more timely information is also likely to be more relevant. Verifiable information is likely to be more reliable. However, achieving one objective may require sacrificing another. For example, ensuring that information is more complete may reduce its timeliness. Similarly, increased verifiability
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